Sunday, December 30, 2007

Theories- The First Part

There have been some contemplative fireworks in my mind for the past couple of weeks and I would like to acknowledge caffeine and Saurabh for their contributions. Accordingly I have come with a few theories (not calling them hypotheses since I have already proved them in front of a fictional scientific committee) which I would like to put them on paper before I forget what were they all about.

1) Peter Pan can have sex too!!

* Before I start with this theory, this is to inform that the name of this theory does not have anything to do with proving Peter Pan’s sexual abilities*

Imagination should run wild and completely liberated; else it shouldn’t be called imagination. So what are imagination, Peter Pan and sex doing in the same neighborhood (thoughts)? Nothing much; it was just that they were all there and it’s only now that they have come face to face with one another.

The theory kicks off from the very same foundation stone called “calling”. I may not be the “one” who has found his true “calling” or might have never responded to it. I would like to coin a term for this condition- ‘Professional Dyslexia’. Here enters imagination as it helps me to tackle various career options and the one that suits me is lifestyle tourism. A fantastic way to live as it involves travel, meeting people and imbibing their culture and the best part of it is not worrying about being the lead of the rat race. Anyway am currently not writing about my “calling”. This imaginary job would have the same effect of happiness on me as, say, colors would have on an eight year old. Thus comes in to picture Peter Pan. Whenever I am on my “job” I am being a child who does not have to worry about the adult world. I would never want to grow up. If Peter Pan can be happy in Neverland by not growing up so can I. The drastic difference here would be that I do not reside in Neverland, so even against my wishes I have to face the real world.

The later half of the theory wants to over rule the age old notion of sex not being innocent. When I say ‘innocent sex’ it simply means that sex is as pleasurable and as innocent as eating ice-cream. If man is not in the innocent category, then I am quite sure that most of us would agree that dolphins (they enjoy sex, just like us) look innocent enough or for that matter even dogs. To summarize this thought I would just say that sex need not be associated with children; but the way a toddler gains pleasure from say observing a passing butterfly the same can be obtained from sex (very relative, here). So it’s not necessary to be a celibate if you would want to remain a child for the rest of your life.

I do not see the world in the same way as somebody else does; I do not want to run the rat race and win a trophy; I want to believe that I will never grow up and yet be happy; I also do not want to lose out on the basic pleasures (sex) that adulthood has to offer—here I would like to clarify that it is not my fault that puberty hit me and came along the hormones that cannot be suppressed; I want to be free to do whatever my hear t says even if it means lifestyle tourism and writing related travelogues; I want to be Peter Pan who can also have sex!!

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