Sunday, September 2, 2007


It’s 3rd September’07 and the time on my desk top is 12:37 am. Why am I stating the date and the time? I am clueless on that one. If I am in a condition that wouldn’t in any way define or give reason to my actions or thoughts then I would term that condition as “sleepiness”. Considering that even in this state of indolence I am taking pains to write about the random things that are happening around me/with me or that have occurred over the past few days I hope that I will have a few dedicated readers on my blog who will appreciate the efforts. Here when I talk about ‘randomization’ I do not intend to rule out any bias or variable in my experiments with thoughts. Randomization here is for the ocean of random thoughts that have struck me at the hour when I should be in bed counting the number of random sheep! And anyway, so long as there are thoughts there has to be bias, variables, procedures and interventions related to the research of thought process. What is the whole point behind this “research of thought process”? The answer- “A dentist who is working for five days a week and is also taking extra weekend courses on clinical research must not let his creativity get affected by these things.” My brains may not be working in the peak condition right now because all the blood is flowing to my eyelids and making them heavier by the second. But to put down a list of all my random thoughts is primary objective and I shall achieve that. So here goes:-

“When will they ever learn…when will they ever learn..!”…these lines of a song are being dedicated to two kinds of people right now. The first kinds are the people who call themselves “servants of the society” a.k.a the politicians. How can these people have powers to decide the future of our country with no basic understanding of what is wrong or right for the society. The 123 agreement may or may not be signed, but the trust that the common man had invested in these netas has been signed off for sure. Hyderabad blasts, Mumbai blasts, Delhi blasts, J& K blasts…lot of more cities and states available in India ..please feel welcome to do your thing, Mr. Terrorist…the government is busy turning the place in to Shanghai anyway..a lot of things need to be “cleared off “ before that. The second kinds are the people who can be shameless and conscience crippled for every phase of their life. Forget strangers, mothers should start protecting their kids from “friends” like these.

Salman Khan hunts down innocent bucks, he gets arrested, he is tried, he is convicted, he goes to jail, he gets bail, he drinks alcohol, he drives, he runs over innocent pedestrians, he gets off the legal shackles, he is again tried for buck hunting, he gets convicted, he gets bail and then he declares-“I have full faith in the Indian judiciary system.” I don’t, Mr. Khan.

Never drink an espresso before you go for work…you might end up talking nonsense and having vague thoughts about colleagues who are married and pregnant.

From my experience of giving almost empty advices to a friend of mine over “girl-issues”, I have realized one thing that my friend is a moron and he doesn’t understand the definition of self-respect.

All the romances that have been read or heard of till now, I rate the romance of Veer- Zara as the best one. Thank you, Mr. Yash Chopra for bringing their love story to celluloid.

Cetrizine causes heavy drowsiness and should never be taken hours before working out at the gym.

Chak-De is a wonderful film, thanks to which the Indians have started winning in hockey and football and losing on the cricket field. ICL issue is just a huge hype which will die down in a few months time.

I really need to take time off, go on a vacation, trek in the Himalayas and have fun…kya pata kal ho naa ho..too much of a SRK over dose for the night…

Might as well sleep off and I am sure that I won’t be counting any more of the random sheep!


Saurabh said...
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Saurabh said...

as oblivious as i am to the 123, i am not voting ever vote doesn't count anyways...and i don't think any candidates are really worthy of my vote.
The second kind are the kind who are worst then invertebrates...i have more respect for entamoeba histolytica than i have for the second kind.

The moronic girl issues aren't girl issues at all, the girl has to be at least mildly passively aware of the issue she is creating...and the issue has to be more real than imagined. To me the issues are more of travails of a semi-flaccid hard on. And ranks probably on the same level when it comes to deserving respect as the second kind...may be a tad bit higher.

Random thoughts are good, thats like your mind in a free flow. Its like opening the flood gates of thought. It's like dumbledore putting more silver threads into the pensieve :).

Have to catch chak de yet, so will comment on that later...but yes india did beat srilanka 20-0 in hockey....YAY!!!....thats more than what the indian cricket team has we should start dedicating one movie for each neglected sport.

lookin forward to more randomness. :).

PS: more random thoughts those ^^^^