Saturday, December 16, 2006

Time to create history again!!

Dear Mr. Chief Minister/ Mr. Prime Minister/ Mr. President/Any Answerable Authority,
Being a concerned citizen of this beloved nation called India, there are a number of questions that are running in my mind which have to be answered. Not knowing whom should I ask, I had no choice but address this letter to you. The very first query that pops in my mind is-WHY SHOULD I BE PATRIOTIC TOWARDS THIS COUNTRY? You might be able to deliver some “culturally rich” answers to this, but that doesn’t assuage me in any way. What I am looking for is some pragmatic solutions to all my doubts. Patriotism and love for one’s country or motherland comes only if the homeland is doing something good for the social welfare of all her citizens, but here I see nothing of that sort happening. What do we get in return for the taxes that we pay- farmers’ suicides, crater full of roads, a state consulate in the capital worth Rs.50 crores (which we didn’t even ask for it), unemployment, corruption, political scandals, lawlessness etc?
The situation is such that even if we as citizens try to get involved in these matters, we too shall get torn in between the vicious circle of all the banes that the country is facing today. “Ask not what the country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country” quoted the famous American president J.F.Kennedy. I agree to this statement completely but this statement comes from the leader of a nation who is taking care of all the needs of their citizens. Needs which include education, medical facilities, energy supply, food and life security; thus the citizens too feel to give it back to their nation in many ways. Unlike the situation here where the government run schools and hospital are in such a pitiable condition that people like me and you would not even think of associating ourselves to them. The education here has become a luxury which is enjoyed by the super rich or the reserved category. Where do the middle class go? They are just running helter-skelter to save themselves from the troubles of getting themselves ground in this system. The medical facilities too speak the same language, language of inadequacy. On one hand you want to make rural internship compulsory to serve the villages but who takes care of the medical facilities of the interns themselves in the far flung villages? The way of lifestyle between the urban and rural India is too different to make rural internship compulsory for urban doctors.
The government wants to ape the developed cities from all over the world but at least start off with basic amenities. Energy. Why does the city that dreams to be the best investment and financial capital have to face power cuts in form of load shedding? Why does the nation’s capital have to go without power for hours together? Why does the majority of the rural India think that power-supply is a luxury?
Why don’t the policy makers who have been elected by the citizens and for the citizens behave in the same way? Why is that nobody is paying heed to the very basics here in our nation? The security of life of the average man here too is not taken care of; the minute the religious sentiments of a certain segment are insulted they go on a public property destruction spree with the law enforcers being mute spectators. Why?
The property that is being destroyed belongs to the nation, their nation, so are they too not patriotic towards their motherland? In this entire mess of systems, red-tape, controversies, destruction, inadequate infrastructure, improper medical and educational facilities, population boom it is the common middle class man that suffers the most. And how does he take care of his problems- the old just sit back and wait for their days to end, the youth pick up loans and move out of the country to greener pastures. And it is after all this that the government blames the trend of “brain drain” that is causing the country’s downfall.
Sir, a sincere request to you, please help us help you and our motherland. We the common man are as helpless as the situation in our homeland. Don’t make us leave this country that we have called home for so long. Aren’t the reasons mentioned here enough to justify the thinning of the patriotic feelings towards my country? We have a beautiful country, we have beautiful people then why is it that the society we live is turning ugly? I say it is time again to substantially redeem our pledge, our tryst with destiny, to find utterance and rekindle the soul of our nation for freedom. It is time for service and dedication to India and her people. Sir it is time to make history again!


Saurabh said...

i prefer the easy way, save my own ass...and walk out. People can create history again, and once its created send me an invitation for the grand opening, and i will be back .

Saurabh said...

At times its almost like we live in opposite world (except husbands still beat wives here).
The minorities are the ruling powers.
The uneducated decide the rulers.
The less qualified get the education.
The rich get concessions from the government.
The poor live in the rich locales for free on encroached land.
The ones who really work, get trodden on.
The ones who don't, but lick ass head up the corporate ladder.
The educated become the followers.
The illiterate become the leaders.

I might just put that ^^ on my blog.

Ronak said...

that is what poised india is all about!! lol lol