Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Story Untold...

I don’t know whether it happens to all of you out there, but it does happen to me quite often. I am not talking about seeing dead people or about having premonition of the things that will occur in the future. The vision that I am trying to emphasize here is the dream that one dreams, but when you wake up from your slumber the dream is no longer hazy but is so limpid that you want to believe it. I am just lucky enough that I have started dreaming again because even if they are bizarre they leave you with a thought for the next entire day. I would too like to describe a story that I happen to unveil from the innermost corridors of my mind.

A rich widow, an unsuccessful writer and a crippled horse- these are the characters around whom my story revolves. Couldn’t figure out the names of the initial characters but the horse was named “Jack Daniels” by his master. As uncanny as the name may sound stranger are the proceedings ahead.

The rich widow, as of now let’s just address her as Mrs.X was the typical middle-aged woman who had lost her husband to a plane crash and now was spending her time and her money on champagne, caviar and celebrations about nothing. Life seemed completely meaningless and futile. Assuming the responsibility of handling the multi-billion business seemed like a Herculean and a daunting task for her, so that was better taken care off by her a trusted associate. This at least ensured that the caviar and the white truffles were always in stock for her lavish Page Three extravaganzas. She may have lost the much needed track of her life but she knew what she wanted. A higher and a much wanted cause were awaiting her in the upcoming time.

The second character that I shall be referring to as Mr. A was a passionate writer, a dreamer and a person who could just shuffle between the world of reality and his own thought bubble. The only thing that bothered him from completely living in reality was the harsh behaviour of the publication houses that refused to give any credit for his works. His work was good. He knew that and he believed in that but the other people thought otherwise. Most of the people he knew including his family had ostracized him. He had regained his sanity only because of a few close friends and an occasional smoke of marijuana. His life seemed empty but he continued writing for he knew that somebody will appreciate his work sometime. A higher and a much wanted cause were awaiting him in the upcoming time.

Jack Daniels was the stable’s most favorite and cared for horse. Although wasn’t a complete adult as yet, but still was a beautiful and a strong brown stud. Everybody liked him but everybody also knew that Jack Daniels did not like to be sympathized with. Sympathy because of a freak but a tragic fire accident that hit the stables a few years ago which made him lose a limb. The rest of the horses were safely taken away but unfortunately that night Jack Daniels was on medication that had sent him in deep sleep which resulted in a difficult task of rescuing him. He was rescued but his hind-limb was caught between two burnt and fallen poles and thus had to be sacrificed later due to gangrene. A crippled horse is of no value to a stable owner for whom his horses are his money, but Jack Daniels wasn’t put to sleep or thrown out because the owner didn’t have the heart to do so. As his limb was amputated so was his dream of ever running for his master for the derby race was sacrificed too. Jack Daniels knew that his master loved him but he felt like a burden to the stable. A limping horse can be of no use to anybody. He thought that nobody would appreciate his purpose of existence. But still he continued to live albeit filled with loads of sorrow. A higher and a much wanted cause were awaiting him in the upcoming time.

So what is it that brought these three distinct souls together?

Didn’t get to know because I woke up, but one thing is for sure, soon I’ll be getting back on this one to complete the union of these three characters!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I Am Back!

It’s a busy life. Everybody knows it and everybody is living it. People have the knowledge that they have to take time out from this chaos and reward themselves with time for themselves. I have understood this dogma really well and finally am dedicating myself to something that I have loved from the beginning-writing. A lot of things have passed through the complex by lanes of my mind from the last time I wrote something credible. So here I am back to the promise that will be respected and never broken at least till the time a writer’s block hits me again.

Deadlines are coming up. Work needs to be done and not just done it has to be done in haste. This is what I have learnt in the past few months. Not that I didn’t know of this before but when you realize this in the harsh way you tend to digest it quicker and not burp about it. From the safe cocoon of your thoughts and convictions the outside world seems to be quite inviting and rosy, but it is only when you actually step out and interact with the big rats that you smell the stench and feel the heat of the “big, bad world”. As though if this wasn’t bad enough, the worse is the trail of mental distress and emotional turmoil that follows and believe me you happen to leave some of this everywhere. From your talks, your sleep, and your body language and even to your dreams (which I should term as nightmares now) the serpent of stress stings you every time. It is time to fight back now. No more letting the stress and work deadlines affect my writing, a new promise is made and regular updates of the blog are on the way. Look out world, I am back.