Sunday, January 28, 2007

A Simple Life

Let the title not mislead your thoughts because I don’t have the mental capabilities to waste words on Paris Hilton! The simple life what I am talking about is the magic that life creates by its sheer simplicity. This can be exemplified by the presence of nature and the inhabitants of Mother Nature. Man, unfortunately, has opted out of this clan and has decided to lock horns with her instead and has been successful on giving birth to complete annihilation. The destruction is evident not only through the “progress” that we have been able to achieve but the worm of catastrophe has found itself into the hearts of the human race as well. And this is what is going to be the raison d’etre for the ultimate downfall of all of us. As the war of supremacy continues throughout centuries it will be just a matter of time before the doomsday clock will strike midnight. Cupidity has raised its ugly head and enslaved the entire race. To lead in the rat race of nincompoops has suddenly become the motive of every single soul. But as we are running ahead to keep up the pace, on the way we are missing out on the simpler things that we are being offered.

The instinct of love is slowly vanishing. People are becoming selfish. So is love.

Unconditional love may be a clichéd term, but nobody seems to understand it or even if they do nobody has the courage and the perseverance to act upon it. Animals and children are the only one that I feel know, understand and sincerely nurture this emotion. The rest of the examples that I know of have been portrayed only on the celluloid. David, from A.I., is the most glorified example. It is only about animal and children that I can speak of because it is only they who project innocence. And in children it is only till the time they are in infancy stages that the innocence shines which after a period is taken over by conceit and avarice. What is the factor that separates humans from animals? Some say a developed brain or coming to think of it could be an underdeveloped heart. Try looking into the eyes of a dog, any dog, and then you will come to know how it is to look at innocence. I think intelligence and greed go hand in hand. Love doesn’t need the requisite of being smart. It may be blind, deaf, dumb or even non-existent but it is by far the most divine, pure and simple emotion. As a friend of mine once told that it is the most frequently used emotion by all but without understanding it. Love is the only factor need to live a simple life. Love unconditionally everyone around you. Tough, but possible. Expectations kill. So no conditions or contracts have to be read before emoting love. Wonderful yet simple. So wishing you all a simple life.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Happy Ending

Do you believe in “happy endings”? This was the question put forth by a character in a movie to her friend. Her friend just looked around, saw his pregnant wife, smiled and answered affirmative. How sweet! But here I agree with Don that sweet mush is diabetic. That should truly put me in the class of people who always have envied the happy endings in the movies. Envied, disagreed or purely bored. These are only movie fantasies which do sell like hot pancakes among the masses. But running equally well are tragic epics like Romeo and Juliet, Titanic, etc that completely insult the need for happy endings.

Happy endings signify optimism, dreams, trust, confidence, utopia, angels, innocence and fantasy. Reality as we all know is not exactly a concoction with the above mentioned as the prime ingredients. So reality never has happy endings??? Nobody can say so. Everybody has their own opinions on this. Optimism and skepticism go hand in hand to maintain the poise and lead to the path of development, flying towards the stars or digging the ground for worms, what say Mr.Bachchan? I earnestly pray that India does have her share of a happy ending sometime in the future. If endings were made to be satisfying and happy that would surely put a certain someone called “Bad” out of the picture. No bad, only happy. Only joy, no sorrow. Boring!

Ask a friend of mine who recently broke off with his girlfriend, and you will get an answer as to why suddenly he has no place for happiness right now. But relationships, I presume, are meant to be like that; fun, laughter and great when they last but once it’s called off life comes back to where she was-in the bitchy tales of the unloved. It becomes very difficult to get people like my friend in these situations back to the sane world. The continuity of the dream world and reality has been shattered and they have to cope with the ugly face of the reality.

Happy endings don’t come along just like that, they have to earned, worked for and only then relished. Nothing comes easy here. But there everything is just a wink away. You may call it anything you might want to- happy place, utopia, escapists’ haven etc but it is the place which everybody wants to get it off their minds and into concrete. These places irrespective of who the people are or what their thoughts are, their hearts have come up with these imaginary fragments which surely are beautiful. It is just a matter of time and trust amongst all of us the dreamers have to come together to let our dreams flow from the labyrinths of our minds into the world around us so as to have what else, but ‘Happy Endings’.

As John Lennon said:-Imagine… may say I am a dreamer…..someday you’ll join us…….. Signing off on a very positive ‘note’. :)